July 22, 2009

Jul 22, 2009

Well here I am again.  I met with several surgeons to see if I could do the RNY.  They were from different practices, so none of them had time to confer with the other.  With my health conditions such as coronary artery heart disease, 2 stents, type 2 diabetes, GERD, and a slew of others, they all felt that I was too much of a high risk for the RNY, and the amount of time being under anethesia.  They also said that losing too fast would add an extra shock to my system.  They all do and prefer the RNY, this is why I went to them.  But in the end, came up with the same result.  Would not do the RNY on me.  So here I am back to having my original surgery decision again.  I am ok with it.  My family I think is relieved with the decision.  I know this is supposed to be my decision, and it is.  I just had to explore my options.  Isn't this is what life is all about?  Explore all options! 
I am right on track with my goals, and that makes me happy.  Happy that with all my comorbidities I can still have surgery.  Happy to have this site to come to and read other peoples stories and share in their trials and tribulations and learn new things along the way. Wish other sites were more like this, with real people, and not people that put you down.
Thanks OH!!!!


About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 08, 2009
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