My Thyroid has always been on the high side of normal...

Since surgery it has become officially overactive. I am now scheduled for a Thyroid Uptake and will need to see an Endocrinologist. Are their any medical professionals out there that may be able to tell me wether or not the physical stress from having the surgery 10 weeks ago could have caused my Thyroid to go haywire? I have heard that taking to many of the fat-soluble vitamins, can cause them to be stored in the Endocrine the liver(some of my liver enzyme tests have come back abnormal as well). Anyone else ever hear this? Also, since the Thyroid is part of the Endocrine system I was wondering if all the vitamins and the stress of surgery combined is connected to the over activity of my Thyroid. I take the Vita4Life vitamins. They are potent, and does have a large concentration of the fat-soluble vitamins. Any ideas and/or comments are greatly appreciated.

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