Will going to OA help after WLS?

I am about 6 weeks post op. I feel like I am so focused on food and what I am not suppose to be eating. I feel deprived and I even sometimes have these foods- I don't get sick or dump- I feel like I need some support here so please do not lecture me. I am unable to go to the support meetings with the surgeons office (100 miles away- and once a month only). I want to know if going to OA will help with this. Can a post op WLS patient go to OA and get the benefits of a non-WLS patient? I really do not know where to turn. Any suggestions! I do not think my insurance will pay for this type of counseling so that is kinda out of the questions and I can't afford it. PS already read all posts in library- all kind of old so any new input would be appreciated.

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