I had lap band surgery in 2009 and lost just about 100 lbs; gained about 15 back

Has anyone experienced weight gain with lap band - I had surgery on 9/9/09 and did really well. Followed all the rules and lost about 100 pounds. I have gained back about 15 or so and i'm starting to get nervous as it doesn't seem like i can get the scale to move in my favor. I haven't really gone back to the beginning and followed the rules that got me this far and i know i need to do that. Just curious to see if anyone else seems to experience the same thing. I know they say that you typically lose everything you're going to in those first critical months, and i'm just nervous. I still could stand to lose another 20 or 30. Has anyone had lapband, hit a plateau and then seemed to have been able to kick the weight loss off again (after a couple of years)? I plan to go back to my nutritionist soon but would like to hear some feedback from anyone else with a similar experience. Thank you.

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