I am waken every night with acidy vomit in my throat, taking Nexium.

I am 8.5 months po, open distal(150cm.)RNY, transected, have my gall bladder and appendix. I have no other problems, no pains other than this reflux. Started at 302, now 230. The nightly acid reflux has been going on for 2 months. I have not lost any weight in 3 months even though I am following the rules and surgeons eating plan. My entire digestive system seems to be slow and constipation is a major problem due to iron supps. When taking the iron, I have to take senokot too. Been taking Nexium for 2 months, it has lessened the acid part but it's starting to not work very well. 2 nights ago was particularly bad. I woke suddenly, coughing like I had inhaled something toxic. Throat was filled with burning vomit. Very painful and scary. When I throw this stuff up, it's reddish brown liquid, no solids so I know it's not coming from the pouch but farther along in the intestine. Nothing similar happens during the day. No heartburn or pain at all. I have tried changing my meals, foods, gone off vitamins for a week then back on, no eating after 6 pm, plenty of water all my waking hours, more exercise, less exercise, sleeping propped up on 4 pillows. I've tried all that I can think of. I don't need pills, I need to know why digested food is backing up into my throat. I know it's not supposed to be doing that. Has anyone had this at any time postop?? If so what was your diagnosis? I suspect something is wrong with my lower anastamosis(not the pouch one) or my gall bladder or a fissure between the pouch and unused stomach. I will be seeing my surgeon on Monday April 26/04 and I would like to be prepared with any info that may be helpful. According it his secretary, he doesn't have any other GB patients with a similar reflux problem. She has never herd of a fissure between the stomachs. All opinions welcome.

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