Why do I wake up every morning and every night

feeling nauseated? I'm 2 yrs 6 months or 30 months post-op today (LAP RNY 9/3/2002) Besides that, I can eat MUCH MORE than I think many of you do. I can't stand the thought of the pain and weight coming back and as I said in my "Life's Challenges" post, I plan on doing something about it. It just seems that I'm ALWAYS hungry. For some reason, I fel like something is wrong because I wake up feeling like *morning sickness of a mother-to-be", before I even eat or drink ANYTHING! Sometimes my used-to-be stomach hurts so bad. I wonder if the pouch or stoma or whatever is stretched? Is there any way you can tell whether your pouch is stretched other that doing that Cottage Cheese Test" (which, by-the-way is not as accurate as some might imagine based on what I've found out-everybody's 'body' is different). Anyone else feel like this? What did you do? What's wrong? I STILL want to get back to where I was at 132 pounds and eventually to between 115-126. Thanks! PROXIMAL LAP RNY 9/3/02 5'2" 265/182/115-126 Hadiyah, a.k.a~~~

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