Has anyone had a dilatation and then not sure if it worked?

Due to my surgeon accidentally "nicking" my esophagus, I had a narrowing leading to the stomach which kept me on fluids only for 8 weeks. I finally had a dilatation where the doctor found the anastamosis area from the stomache and intesting to be very narrow. He dilated it for me. Now 1 and 1/2 weeks later, I am still vomitting up almost on a daily basis some mucous and food. Is this normal?    — Gina L. (posted on October 1, 2001)

October 2, 2001
Gina - My surgeon told my I had what he called "exuberate" scar tissue - Therefore, I ended up having to be dilated at 3 1/2 weeks and then again at 7 weeks. The second time seemed to take care of it - I am now 18 weeks post-op with no problems. I have read here that some members have had to be dilated 3 and 4 times. Good Luck, Karan
   — chance2lv

October 2, 2001
Gina, I also had to be dilated twice. The first time only allowed me tiny amounts of fluids. Three weeks later I had it done again and I am fine. I could only drink small amounts and absolutely no food after the first dilation. So I would talk to your surgeon about another dilation.
   — Kathy H.

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