Help!!! I started sniffling on Friday. I felt like I was fighting a

cold last week. I am scheduled for open RNY tomorrow morning and I can't ignore it. I have a cold. Right now it's mostly located in my sinus passages. Of course, it's a matter of days before it moves down to my lungs. Whenever I catch a cold, I always have a very powerful deep, racking type of cough. I know I am going to have to call my surgeon but I was wondering if anyone else had a cold before going into surgery and did your surgeon postpone the surgery or went on as planned. Thank you!!!    — [Anonymous] (posted on October 14, 2001)

October 14, 2001
I hope this suggestion isn't to late. And I pray that this is just allergies. I started taking vitamin c daily before my surgery to ward off any colds. You may want to also take some zinc to shorten the duration of your cold. To anyone else close to your surgery day it wouldn't hurt to get a big can of Lysol and use it. I sprayed the door knobs, phone, faucets, and toilet before and after each use. You can say it was a little drastic. I had been through to much to have this surgery. I hope this helps. God Bless and Be Well
   — Vanessa H.

October 14, 2001
I can't believe you posted this question. I too started to get a cold on surgery date is next Monday...and I was wondering the same thing. I started taking Coldeze every 3-4 hours and it has helped so far. I also have been drinking OJ. Good luck...I know what you are going through.
   — janie K.

October 14, 2001
I too had the sniffles a week prior to surgery, i just stayed away from all sick people and used alot of lysol spray on everything at work and at home. After surgery, they pump so much antibiotics in you it will rpobably cure your sniffles it did mine.
   — Tricia C.

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