I have a lot of pain in my stomach, right under my breasts,where the pouch was made.

I feel that something is wrong because if I dont eat every couple of hours the pain comes back. It goes away temporarity when I eat but then comes back about an hour later. It also wakes me in the middle of the night with pain. Does anyone else have this problem and if so what have you done about it?    — [Anonymous] (posted on October 30, 2001)

October 30, 2001
That location is also where your gallbladder is. Call your Dr. and talk to him!
   — Dennis J. B.

October 30, 2001
Pain that goes away after eating and then returns is often associated with an ulcer. Probably should get it checked out. Shelley
   — Shelley.

November 2, 2001
I had the same pain for about 5 months off & on after surgery and found out from my surgeon that it was my body shifting things back into place that were moved around during the surgery. I'm not saying that you shouldn't get it checked out, but this sounds like what I experienced. Good Luck & Take Care.
   — Andrea H.

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