What is this ... please help with diet

I am 2 1/2 month post-op and finally I am able to eat some foods with out thowing up.last night I was able to eat a small portion of lasagna about 4 hours later, since the first went down so well I ate another small potion..about 4 or 5 bites but this time was diffent...soon after I felt a burning sensation or acid sensation on the left side of my navel....that soon stopped and nothing else happened. This afternoon however I ate it again and I threw it up. What is going on. There's only a few things I am able to eat.. so when I find something that stays down, I try to eat the same thing. At this point in the game I only able to keep down scallop, fish and crab meat... nothing else stay down besides liquid and protein shakes... Please help? I don't eat much because nothing stays down...I have lost 55 pounds so far....but I am so hungry.    — blank first name B. (posted on November 12, 2001)

November 12, 2001
Deborah, I dont know what that burning sensation was that you had last night, but I can tell you from experience that just because I can eat something once, does not mean I can eat it again and feel the same way afterwards. I know it sounds funny but a few weeks ago my husband and I went to lunch, I ordered a grilled chicken breast and a side salad. I was very proud of myself cause I was able to eat 1/2 of my chicken and a few bites of salad. Last Friday we went to the same restraunt and I ordered the same exact meal and ate the same amount. When I got home I threw up my toenails. I was so sick for about 2 hours, but all I had eaten all day was that so I know that was what made me sick. This is not the only expierence I have had like that. I also have found that shrimp, scallops and crab go down and stay down very well. I know that this does not anwser your question, but I hope it lets you know your not alone.... Good luck to you..
   — Malynda S.

November 12, 2001
I know that the surgeon who is doing my surgery (fingers crossed) says that alot of times after WLS people become Lactose Intolerent. Maybe it was too much cheese too quickly. Another thing is maybe the tomatoe sauce was too acidic?
   — mastrnservnt

November 12, 2001
Deborah, I'm so sorry to hear of the trouble you're having - but, belicev me I understand - my husband has had similar experiences (his surgery was 8/30/01). I've been much luckier (mine was 7/30/01). Anyway, you must get some good nutriton into yourself. What I can suggest is something my nutritionist (not from my surgeon's office) told me to do. I made vegetable broth, added some turkey I had in the freezer, (but, of course, it can be other meat or fresh turkey or chicken) then put the turkey and the veggies in the food processor until they were mush. I then put them back in the soup, so that I had a thick soup then - nourishing, tasty, full of protein and vitamins. I did the same thing with salmon. This is tolerated, digested easily, and provides what you need. It's also very satisfying. You've got to get your digestive tract functioning. I know it's true that you never know how a food will work. It can be great once and awfuk the next time. Just remember - things will get better. Just take good care of yourself. And - cingratulations on great weight loss!
   — Nancy Z.

November 12, 2001
This has been my experience with new foods....The first time I have a new food, I am extremely careful. I eat slowly and take extra small bites. If I am successful with that food, the next time I am not quite as careful. Maybe with the first attempt at lasagna, you were extra cautious and with the subsequent meals maybe you weren't (assuming it would stay down okay, since it did the first time)? Also, sometimes being extra hungry (like you are describing)will cause me to eat too fast. Maybe there is a combination of factors. Also, I am 10 months post op and could not eat lasagna if I tried. I think the noodles are especially thick and not always tender and would get stuck. I am just now able to begin to eat soft pasta. My doctor encouraged us to take it slow when it came to pasta. Maybe it is too early for you. Shelley
   — Shelley.

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