Another alcohol question for DSers

I just saw the recent question about alcohol and it seemed like only RNYers were posting. Do those of you who have the DS have a problem with alcohol and/or is it as liver-damaging as it is for RNY post-ops? I enjoy a vodka+cranberry every now and then, glass of wine when I go out to eat at nice restraunt. I am not a big drinker, but I was just wondering how much damage it does to DS patients. I am pre-op and this is the surgery I have chosen.    — [Anonymous] (posted on December 3, 2001)

December 3, 2001
My surgeon's website says the following regarding post-DS alcohol consumption: "Alcohol causes gastric irritation and can cause liver damage. During periods of rapid weight loss the liver becomes especially vulnerable to toxins such as alcohol. In addition, alcoholic beverages, which are fully adsorbed before and after surgery are high in calories. We recommend complete abstinence from alcohol for one year after surgery and avoiding frequent consumption thereafter."
   — mmagruder

December 4, 2001
Not sure if this will help, but I attended a support group a few weeks ago, and the "meeting leader" did mention that you can get intoxicated much more faster than before BECAUSE of the bypass itself. However, he didn't mention anything about health complications...only to drink slowly and less :)
   — Kimberly D.

December 5, 2001
It really has nothing to do with surgery type. As with ANY weight loss surgery, you have massive weight loss. Your liver and other organs are working overtime processing everything. Alcohol only adds to the burnden on your over worked organs. Any surgeon worth his salt would advise against it.. I have, maybe 4-5 drinks/year. YMMV (your milege may vary)
   — [Deactivated Member]

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