Does any one know if ins. covers Plastic surgery?

which one? For what reasons?    — Lisa T. (posted on December 6, 2001)

December 6, 2001
Lisa: most insurance companies do NOT cover non-necessary surgeries, such as cosmetic surgery. Insurance companies may cover necessary reconstructive surgeries however; some forms of tummy tucks, breast reduction surgeries, or other surgeries due to extensive weight loss may be covered by your insurance company. Each insurance company differs on what it will cover; your best bet is to contact your benefits coordinator where you work, or call your insurance company directly. You might also want to check the library section of this website; there is a special section on post-WSL surgery surgeries.
   — [Anonymous]

December 7, 2001
This is what my insurance policy reads....sometimes they do indeed cover it.... Panniculectomy following surgery for morbid obesity is considered COSMETIC, except when both of the following conditions are met: documented chronic, recurrent infection and documented interference with hygiene and activities of daily living (ADLs). Hope this helps.
   — Joelle B.

July 13, 2004
Decided an option for extra cash was to re-fi the house. I found an excellent mortgage loan broker who does other states- better than what I would have gotten with my credit union!!! So glad I found him! Truly excellent in helping me with the extra $$$ money I needed!!! Didn't know where I was going to get the money from or if it would even be possible!!! His name is <b><a href=" ">Ed Benko</a></b> click on his name and it will take you to his website or just call him: <b>303-745-745-7003</b>. He is very easy to work with. Give his website a visit, no harm taking a quick glance. <b><a href=" "></a></b> He has really got me a great deal!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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