I am 2 days Post-op and came home today. I am doing great except for one thing...

I am Itching like crazy. I just took my second shower of the day and still itching. Not at incision sites, but all over. It started where my binder was touching me and now it is spreading. Someone said it can be from the I.V.antibiotics. Has anyone else had this happen and how long did it last?    — Dottie C. B. (posted on December 13, 2001)

December 13, 2001
I know that right after I had my surgery up to about the 4th day I itched like crazy. They told me it was from the morphine. I know that once I stopped it and started on other pain medicine, it stopped. I'm not for sure if that's what is the matter with you but it might be something to think about. Maybe your doctor could give you something. Good Luck and congratulations on making it to the other side. Now it's time to start your new and wonderful like.
   — Amy E.

December 13, 2001
Yes, I itched all over too, but mostly where ever there had been surgical tape applied. But, I also think it was the bed bath products they used. Once I was home and had showered a couple of times and used my favorite body moisturizer it started to go away. But, next look out for your incision site to itch as it heals. Mine about drove me nuts until I had the staples removed and then another one or two days. I was sure glad that phase was over with. I am sure it will get better for you in a couple of more days. Just hang in there. If it doesn't, maybe your Doctor can prescribe a steroid for a few days to help aleviate the itching.
   — Susan M.

December 13, 2001
hi dottie. when my honey had his kidney removed in oct he was fine the first few days. on the 2 day at home he started getting this rash that started at his ankle & steadily crept its way up his body to his neck. & the itch!! he was on morphine in the hospital & levaquin at home. the strange thing was that the rash was at its worst on his legs where the surgical stockings had begun & ended. of course i ran to the pcp with him. the diagnosis was he was allergic to the morphine to begin with & the levaquin added insult to injury because it is a very potent antibiotic. the rash being the worst on his legs was because the surgical stocking didnt let his skin breath enuf. he started taking benadryl gel caps, no dyes. & it all cleared up in 2 weeks but it stopped the itch overnite.
   — sheryl titone

December 13, 2001
Jen, my wifes surgery was this monday and she is having the big itch everywhere, I rember it bothering me too. I think its from the anthestics, since I had asked my surgeons office about it.
   — bob-haller

December 13, 2001
I itched like crazy in the hospital...nurse said it was from the morphine. They gave me something for it...I can't remember what it was...sorry. If it's that bad - call the doc. Congratulations to you and best of luck! Open RNY 7/17/01.
   — blee01

December 13, 2001
Hi Dottie... I had surgery on two other occasions and both times had that itching. Part of it they thought was due to the morphine...the other which you might check out was that I had an allergy to silk...which was in the fibers of the stockings, in sutures, and in one particular tape had fibers in it. All times Benedryl cleared it up but now I'm very cautious of silk and I anticipate the problem with the morphine now. Best wishes to you.
   — AJC750

December 13, 2001
Good chance it is your pain med... are you taking a Codine based pain med like Loritab.. that makes me itch like my skin is crawling it this is happening to you.. cut down on the pain meds instead of the 3 teaspoons try one every 4 hours and try getting off of the pain med asap call the doc and tell them your itching try not using pain meds after the 4 hours is up and see if your itching is as bad try waiting 8 hours see how the itching is if the itching goes away after about 5-6 hours its the pain med good luck Kathy
   — Kathleen M.

December 13, 2001
The same thing happened to me and they figured after trial and error it was the IV antibiotics (I had an epidural and no morphine)! I ended up on a steroid pack and it cleared up in about a week...good luck!
   — Meryl F.

December 13, 2001
Hi, dottie i had the same problem when i was in the hospital which was 11/04/01. it was due to the med they had me on, benadryl became my best friend it stopped all the itching or it could be the dial soap.
   — [Anonymous]

December 13, 2001
I had the same problem. It was from the pain medication. I went to the store and bought some Gold Bond Anti-itch cream and used wherever I was itching. It worked wonders. Good luck to you!
   — Wendy H.

December 14, 2001
I have had itching since coming home from the hospital. Though mine was not caused from medications or any such, it was however caused by very, very, very, dry skin. Remember, our bodies now can not take in as much water as quickly as it used to and our bodies use up what we take in...leaving us susceptible to dry, itchy flaking skin. Just another thought to add... Good Luck.
   — Mustang

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