I had my spleened removed during surgery and now......

Hi I am 8 mos. post-op and had open RNY. They knicked my spleena and it had to be removed. Right now I have a head cold and sore throat, SHOULD I BE TAKING MORE ANTIBIOTICS THAN TYLENOL cold and sinus through the day and Nyquil at night? I have had this cold for 2 days and it doesnt seem to be getting any worse. I am also not hungry and at least get my water in.    — lynbaby B. (posted on December 23, 2001)

December 23, 2001
My best response you is to call your doctor. My doctor wants to knows everything that relates to the surgery. I will also be having my spleen removed when I have my surgery. I was told that from a month before the surgery I will need to get shots for the rest of my life. I will not be abble to fight infections off as easily. I have had problems with my spleen and infections for years,so I know just how you feel. So, your doctor might give you something stronger otherwise you might get worst,just because your body can't fight it alone. Take care
   — Debbie Kleinman

December 23, 2001
I too had my spleen removed but had it removed in 96, u have to have a shot ever two years, take extra care of your self so u dont get sick here is a site about splenectomies when i get sick even if its a cold i go to the drs cuz it seems to never end other wise and he usually has to perscribe antibiotics good luck and hope u feel better
   — Deanna Wise

December 24, 2001
My surgeon, who is an expert at lap surgery, only does this procedure open, because he feels its best to see everything. In my case it was a moot point as I had a basketball sized ovarian cyst that had to be removed first, so even if I were able to opt for lap, it would have turned into an open procedure. I was only out of work five weeks.
   — Dee P.

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