
I have varicose veins - will this be a problem or cause blood clots or any other problems during or after WLS?    — Gloria K. (posted on February 8, 2002)

February 8, 2002
Ask your surgeon if you would be a good candidate for a greenfield filter. If you are prone to pulmonary embolus, the filter prevents large clots from going to your lungs.
   — JoanneML

February 9, 2002
Hi, I have bad veins in my legs. They did give me a blood thinner and I had to wear those leg things that have a heart beat, while I was in bed. Once I started walking I did'nt have to wear them anymore. Had surgery almost 18 months ago. Good luck!! Tish
   — Tisha W.

February 10, 2002
Hi, I have terrible vericose veins in my legs and I asked my Dr. the same question. He told me I would be no more prone to blood clots than any other person who has no history of blood clots. I have had two other surgeries under GA and had no problem! Good luck!
   — Kathleen M.

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