I've been craving fried rice. I'm 6 weeks post op


February 20, 2002
I would say try it, but be very careful. Aprat from sugar, rice is just the one thing that is guaranteed to make me sick everytime I eat it. It expands in your stomach after being eaten making you relly full. So eat VERY slow and quit the second you feel full. That would be my advice! Good Luck!
   — Deborah W.

February 20, 2002
Try taking a few bites, chewing and spitting it out...that way your mind gets the thrill of the taste but your tummy doesn't have to deal with any unpleasantness...good luck and let us know how it goes! Kristi
   — Kristine P.

February 20, 2002
One good thing about getting sick on a craving, the craving is gone forever.
   — faybay

February 20, 2002
Resist! Six weeks seems a bit early for fried rice, but if rice is on your meal plan, have a couple of spoonsful to satisfy that craving. Fried rice isn't all that's not icecream! But beware OF DUMPING! I went out to lunch with friends about three months after my rny, my first time out post-surg. We had chinese and I put only steamed shrimp and a tiny bit of fried rice on my plate. I ate the rice first. Big mistake! That caused my very first episode of dumping. I got so sick I wanted to die. (lol) The thought of fried rice makes me nauseous now... and it's been three years! Rny....ya gotta love it.
   — [Anonymous]

February 20, 2002
I agree with the other posts. 6 weeks post RNy is too soon for fried rice. I had a DS and love fried rice and have never had any problems with it or any other foods. I started eating rice at around 7-8 weeks post DS. Good luck!!! If you Really want the fried rice try it and see, What's the worst that can happen ;o)
   — Jody Diou

February 20, 2002
I had a little (maybe a 1/4cup) fried rice Sunday night. I am almost 3 months out and boy, did it make me feel awful. My stomach hurt terribly, and although I didn't throw up, I won't be eating it again. It's amazing what we find pre-op tasted great, but post-op can make us feel so awful. Just be careful!
   — Rebecca C.

February 20, 2002
Your profile show's you had the surgery 1-17-02 wouldn't that make you only five weeks postop? Becareful not to damage your pouch while its healing.
   — [Anonymous]

February 20, 2002
I was a major rice eater pre-surgery but couldn't stomach the stuff for 6 months after WLS. Give yourself some time to heal!
   — Terissa R.

February 20, 2002
For some reason, I don't digest rice very well. I can eat a little now, but it made me sick for the first couple of times. I can only imagine that fried rice will be even worse. Be careful and if you just simply can't resist, try a little of it. It'll probably make you sick; therefore, you won't want it anymore. Sad logic, but it works for me.
   — Tammy W.

February 20, 2002
we r tremendous rice eaters, buying it in 10 lb sacks at a time. but, my dr said no rice or pasta because it tends to keep swelling in ur pouch. which is probably why it hurts so bad. i miss rice & drool everytime i serve it to hubby & nephew.
   — sheryl titone

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