What are the signs of a blood clot?

I am 4 days post op. I am in terrible pain.Which i hope and pray subsides soon. Having my baby was nothing compared to this:( But, my question is about blood clots. It could be already int he library but I can sit here long and just wanted to get this on here quick. What do I look for in a blood clot? I have this little lump on my left hand in the area where they attempted an iv. I just noticed it tonight, i was just released today. I just dont know if thats not a good sign or what? Anyone know anything, please help! Thanks.    — Summersect (posted on February 24, 2002)

February 24, 2002
Usually one worries about blood clots in the legs and/or lungs. The area on your hand could be a small hematoma or bruise from the attempt to start the IV. If it becomes reddened and swell you can use a warm pak to help decrease swelling. As far as a blood clot, normally your risk as I said is in the legs and/or lungs. You usually develop a tender area (normally in the back of the calf but could be in the thigh etc...) and this area becomes hard and as I said usually very tender. If it is in your calf, striaghten your leg and have someone gently press down on your thigh just above your knee and gently pull the toes back toward your head at the same time... intense pain- get to the doctor ASAP. Blood clot in the lung - extreme shortness of breath and paid in the lung area. This soon post op - keep your walking up - no birth control pills as both of these activies will minimize your risk for geting a blood clot. Good Luck - and remember, if you are in doubt - call your doctor.
   — [Anonymous]

February 24, 2002
Relax, could be swelling from irratation from iv. I had a blood clot in both legs. Pain started in one hip, it hurt to walk, leg got blotchy red and swolen. All this over night. Pleas don't SIT long in one spot, keep legs elavated when at rest, and move move move! That is the best way to avoid a clot. I had a filter, my doctor and two other doctors said that they believed that the filter litterally saved my life. I developed clots in both legs from behind the knee, all the way up to my abdomon! Was on my back bed ridden, using a bed pan only, for 3 weeks! Then had to go to rehab to learn how to walk again! Not fun, and very painful! Watch for blotchyness, heat, swelling, and pain in hip, or groin. MOVE MOVE MOVE!!!
   — Phiddy B.

February 24, 2002
The others posters are right about the lump on your hand. Just a side effect of trying to get the IV started. It'll go away in a couple of days. However, on the pain, call your doctor. It is not an imposition on him. It's what he does for a living. If you're having excruciating pain, that is probably not a good sign. It may be nothing, but it's worth a call to your doctor.
   — garw

February 24, 2002
The lump in your hand is a hematoma caused by irritation to the vein and trapped blood under the skin. If it's painful AND there's a red streak above the site, it could be phlebitis, which is an inflammation of the vein, also caused by irritation. Neither is dangerous, but warm compresses should help.
   — Danette H.

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