Should I have it now?

I need some advice here. I am going for a consultation with Dr. Chun (NY) for a tummy tuck. I have a nice little apron that hangs over my pubic bone and I have a "deflated" pubic area. I never thought that it would bother me, but it does; incredibly. So, I decided to look into the surgery. The only problem is that I plan on having children in the future (hopefully one next year and another 3-5 years afterwards). Do you believe that it makes sense to have the TT now? What will happen to the tummy once I stretch in again? I know that it will never tighten up to what it it would be right after the TT but would it simply be like every other woman that has had a baby? I know that I could just wait until after I have children but to be perfectly honest, I have never been thin; ever! I weighed 235 pounds when I was 13 years old. I have never experienced a flat belly and I think that after everything I have done, I deserve this. I am now in a size 6 and I know that with the TT, I'd easily be a 4. I am very proud of my appearance now; (with clothes on anyway). And I really don't want to wait 7 years to do this. What do you think?? Also, when I emailed Dr. Chun, he said that he thought a panni might be more appropriate in my situation. Does anyone know why? Thanks for the input.    — Jeannet (posted on March 8, 2002)

March 8, 2002
You said he prefers a panni over a full TT? I'm thinking along those lines, too. With the full abdominoplasty and restructuring of the underlying muscles, you might not want to mess with it again. But if you just get the panni removed & all that is nearby, you can still have your babies and then perhaps have a full TT, if you still feel you need one. But I would have a hard time having to choose between the tightest tummy of my entire life or a pregnancy. Fortunately, I am too OLD to have to make that choice. But I do know your predicament. You want to feel "pretty" now, but have babies, too. I understand completely.
   — vitalady

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