Lower Body Lift

Hi, i am 1 year post-op and have lost 133lbs. I am scheduled to have a lower body lift and breast reduction at the same time on 06/03/02. Can anyone who has had these tell their experience and how long it took to heal.    — lynbaby B. (posted on April 4, 2002)

April 4, 2002
Hi, I had a lower body lift 3 months ago, paired with a revision of my abdominoplasty (from smiley incision to anchor). I previously had a breast reduction a year ago. For most, the breast reduction and LBL are two of the most painless procedures (and I've had everything else done also, so I can compare). I've always been able to go back to work w/i 10 days or 2 weeks, take painkillers for the first 2-4 days post-op as they work great for the low level discomfort of PS. I've had 9 different PS procedures grouped together in 4 separate surgeries this year, and found them relatively painful, recovery quick and manageable and the results fantastic. However, to give you the whole story and be honest, I will tell you that I have had extended problems with my LBL recovery. While the initial recovery went as described, I developed a post-surgical infection (low grade fever for 2 months, 5 courses of antibiodics, tests and consults w an Infectious Disease Specialist who never did identify a cause or site of infection). It was a long debilitating recovery (although I worked every day throughout). The last antibiodic finally did the trick and I am recovering fast now, but still packing an open wound in my butt, which my PS projects will be completely closed in the next few weeks! Hooray. Initially they were packing it w 12 feet of gauze strips and I'm now only able to get 4-5 feet in, so there is measurable improvement. So, I've given you the best and worst scenario. Infection is a possible complication of ANY surgical procedure -- not expected, but still a small risk. If my honesty has given you any anxiety, please talk to your PS about his rate of infection and availability for post-op care. My PS saw me on a DAILY basis (sat & suns too) for a month, 3 times a week with visiting nurses daily for another month. The payments from insurance for post-op surgeons fees, nursing and surgical supplies is now almost as high as the original surgical fees payments! Thank god my PS was available to see me during my lunch hours/after work. I don't know what I would have done had I been flying from a PS in Tiajuana or using a PS in another state as many people do. I will also add that since my aftercare was so good, although my complications were a real and literal pain in the butt LOL, I never felt I was in a life threatening situation -- but it definitely was an extended period of major inconvenience, laundry, bandaging, drainage and medical appointments! I'm sure you will have better luck!
   — Jill L.

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