I want to have surgery and I have Hep

and my liver function is pretty normal. Has anyone had a similar problem?    — Gerri B. (posted on April 12, 2002)

April 12, 2002
Only your doc. knows for sure...if he and your surgeon clear it, then go for it, but make sure to do some extra research to see what special precautions you might need to take...good luck!
   — rebeccamayhew

April 12, 2002
I had surgery almost 6 mo ago open rny when they went in they discovered liver damage i have since been dignosed with hep so I had surgery with hep and I am doing fine great even! my gastroendo Doc said the surgery was helpful for my liver being overweight is bad on the liver plus the hep so getting rid of the weight will help my liver. good luck to you!
   — gerirose C.

April 12, 2002
Hi. Hepatits B is very damaging to the liver. If you wanted to have gasric bypass, I suggest that you take care of that first. By having stomach surgery it will put more reliance on your liver to filter out things and if there is an issue there, then things could get really bad.
   — Tara J.

May 28, 2002
I keep hearing of people having WLS with hep-C, but I keep getting rejected when I try. I have been to 5 surgeons in my area, and called all the others in my state that i could find, and they will not do it for me. So i'm confused. I live in Michigan. good luck
   — rvf263

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