Help!! Surgery is 4 days away, and have TERRIBLE cold

I feel like I'm coughing both my lungs up!! Plus terrible chest congestion. If my surgery would of been this morning, they would of cancelled it for sure!! And it's ony 4 days away!! How can I help this to go away??? Please, any advice will be appreciated.    — Tammy B. (posted on April 19, 2002)

April 19, 2002
I got a cold about 8 or 9 days before my surgery. I loaded up on vitamin C and the doctor gave me a strong antibiotic. I just barely made it in the way of feeling better by my surgery date. You should call your surgeon and see what he says. I wouldn't want to have surgery if I were that congested. Maybe he could change your date with someone scheduled for next week? Good Luck!
   — Helen C.

April 19, 2002
geezz sound like what I posted last week. I am 4 days post-op and had a cold to only mine was 3 days before surgery. I called my surgeons office to have him call me back on Sunday and he told me as long as I did not have a high fever and I could breathe that surgery was still OK. I had so much gunk in my throat that all I did was try and cough it up and spit it out. I have 4 kids so when one gets a cold it drops like dominos in this house. I think you will be fine but as one of the posters said to me, if they postpone surgery it was for a good reason.
   — Lovett

April 19, 2002
I was in the same boat as you..except I was not coughing. I caught a terrible cold about a week before my surgery. When I went in to surgery I couldnt breathe out of my nose. Even though I had a cold my mind was SET!!! I was going in for surgery no matter what. My only concern for you is the coughing. It is gonna hurt sooooooooo bad after surgery. I got the hiccups after a few days after surgery and I thought I was gonna die!!! It hurt soo bad. I cant imagine coughing after surgery. Please talk to your surgeon about this. Good Luck
   — skymaxjr

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