My hemoglobin and hematocrit are low, according to recent blood tests.

I am 6 months post op. My doctor is supposed to call me Monday, meanwhile I worry. Has anyone experienced this and how to correct? thanks.    — Donna S. (posted on April 20, 2002)

April 20, 2002
Some people are chronically anemic. Many things are needed in order for your body to make red blood cells. You may be low on your iron or your vitamin b-12. Both are needed at different stages of rbc formation. And it also depends on how low it is. If it is really low and you have symptoms such as fatigue and shortness of breath, you may need a blood transfusion. However, Im sure that since your doc didnt want you to come in right away, your's is not really low. Anyway, good luck.
   — Cory F.

April 20, 2002
I believe that is pretty common. How low were your levels? Are you already taking an iron supplement? If not that is what they will probably do. My iron was moderately low and they started me on a separate iron tablet and things are normal now.
   — Virginia N.

April 20, 2002
Hi there I too am an expert at low blood iron lol jk but start taking 2 extra iron pills a day the 325 mg ones from any pharmacy the generic are fine they are like 3 dollars for 100 of them BUT make sure you take them after a meal AND take 500 mg of vitamin c with each pill you need the vitamin c to better absorb the iron and your b 12 needs to be good to absorb also many different ways to get that but the monthly non painful shots are the best for those of us with low blood iron hope this helps some good luck xoxoxox BBd
   — BBD

April 20, 2002
Hi! I'm the resident anemia queen on this site I think. I suffer from "severe" low hemoglobin and low hematacrit since surgery. Oral iron did not work for me but seems to work for most people. Even taking the iron pills, I was admitted from emergency into the hospital for transfusions. My iron count has since (2 years ago) never gotten above 9.0. I get iron injections every other week now but it's expensive and not the healthiest thing to have done so often for the liver. Some people seems to also need iron infusions if the counts get really bad but my doctor thinks they are risky for some reason and doesn't want me to have them. Hopefully, your counts will come up with just some extra iron. I would certainly have my counts done again within 3 months to see if the iron is working properly. If not, your doc can do something else but please keep a good eye on it and don't just go by what the doc thinks...demand bloodwork to prove that the iron is helping. Good luck to you. Barb
   — Barbara H.

April 20, 2002
Where are the ferritin & iron levels? B12 & folate? Which iron are you taking now? If you take the ferrous sulfate form (the std 325mg type), you might expect your numbers to dip ever lower since this type if not well absorbed. If you can find carbonyl iron or polysaccharide type, you may get a better result.
   — vitalady

April 20, 2002
I had the same exact problem with my iron being low...I was 6 days away from surgery and had to have it postponed because of my iron...I had to come up from my iron being 6.3 to being high enough to have the surgery on 4/29/02. In response to the mention of Ferrous Sulfate, I took 3 of those 325mg tabs a day with Vit. C with a swig of O.J and it has brought my iron up considerably...Do the 325mg/3 x's a day with Vit. C tabs...I had to have the Endoscopy/Barium Enema/Colonoscopy before my surgeon would even touch me!!
   — ALICIA T.

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