What do I do next? I know I have 2 hernias.

I have an umbilical hernia and a hiatal hernia. Both need repair. I may need a tt a little later but don't know if it will be covered by insurance. I had right around 100lbs. to lose. I do have an apron. Even at a size 7 in high school I had a belly that kind of hung. What is my first step for insurance or does the doc. to it all?    — Cinna G. (posted on April 29, 2002)

May 1, 2002
I too have 2 hernia's. I have an incisional and umbilical. I had the hiatal repaired during surgery for acid reflux. My surgeon's taking care of all the ins. stuff. I'm going back in the fall as that's the best time for me to take care of it. I will ask about the Panni as maybe that will be covered since the abdominal wall is weak and it's not cosmetic I'm looking for. I don't have an apron so to speak but I have a little pouch. If they don't cover it I won't be heartbroken. However, I would first ask if it could be done and I pay the difference. Heck, ins. covers the hernia,anesthesia,hospital already. So, how much more could just the panni be? What happened during the WLS journey? Did the surgeon's office seek approval or did you? I would think it would be similar. Best wishes and continued success
   — Linda M.

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