I went to the bathroom today at work (pee), and i thought it smelled really

strong... so when i was done I looked in the toilet and it was almost ORANGE!! What is up with that? Does anyone have a clue? this has happened once or twice before. I am almost 3 months post op, lap rny. Thanks!    — Summersect (posted on May 16, 2002)

May 16, 2002
The best advice I have for you is to drink more water. Dark colored urine usually means you're dehydrated. Good luck!
   — Becky H.

May 16, 2002
Rebecca, I dont know if you may be having the same problem that I am right now, but I went to the dr.s office with the same symptoms and I also had the urge to urinate even after I had gone to the bathroom. I was told that I have a urinary tract infection and i am being treated with antibiotics. I am also 3 mo. out. This is the first time that I have had this,ever. Good luck- Sue
   — susan K.

May 16, 2002

   — Amber L.

May 16, 2002
Hi, I don't have an answer for you, but my pee is orange and has been for the last MONTH (lap-rny 4-17-02)! So, if anyone has any advice here, please let me know too ( [email protected] ) Thanks!
   — Tina P.

May 16, 2002
It could be vitamins you take. I know that I take iron pills, and they turn my urine a green flourescent color. Quite disturbing, but normal. You might want to check and see if any supplements you take could be the cause.
   — Jennifer Y.

May 16, 2002
Assuming that you're getting your water and you don't have UTI, did you recently add a B-complex to your vites or something like Hair, Skin, Nails? Often that strong smell & deep yellow can be just a lot of B-vites, after you've ruled out the more obvious.
   — vitalady

May 17, 2002
If like the other postees said you dont have a uti and are drinking water, maybe youre in ketosis. Do you also have bad breath? It may be your body releasing fat. Its just a guess. Drink lots of water.
   — Ellowyn H.

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