Does everyone need plastic surgery after WLS?

I'm a 24/F who is tentatively scheduled to have surgery in October this year (waiting for approval). I'm 5'11 tall 350 lbs and pretty much carry the weight evenly and am not sure if I will need plastic surgery post-op... and if I do does the insurance ever cover it? Thanks so much!!!!    — Leah S. (posted on June 15, 2002)

June 16, 2002
Do you have a lot of stretch marks? I was told this was the first indicator that you would likely need the plastic surgery when down to goal weight. The more stretch marks, the less elasticity you have left in your skin (the marks are your skins elastic "breaking"). Every insurance is differnt of course, but mine covers it IF you can show medical need such as infections caused by skin folds and make sure your pcp documents it - pictures are good too!
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 17, 2002
I think age is a big deal here. I am 23. I went on a diet before surgery, lost 50lbs and since surgery I have lost another 70; a total of 120lbs in 6 months. I have never had children but I have alot of stretchmarks on my stomach and it is where I carry most of my weight. My stomach has tightened up amazingly! My stretch makrs look different now too, barely noticeable. My arms and thighs are a bit saggy. I think the main thing is just get out there and exercise as soon as you can. My surgeon said I won't need plastic surgery but if my stomach does suddenly get flabby I'm going to get a tummy tuck. I think you will be fine. I started out at 339lbs being 5'5.
   — Angie B.

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