How long after eating do we have to wait

before consuming any water ie liquids, it's a little confusing, I read somewhere to wait at least 30 minutes then I have read others that say to wait 1 hours and 30 minutes, what's the norm ??    — tannedtigress (posted on June 21, 2002)

June 21, 2002
The norm is 30 minutes, but of course, different doctors, different instructions.
   — Leslie F.

June 21, 2002
Every Dr has a different opinion. My Dr. says 30 minutes. Personally, I get sick if I don't wait at least that long.
   — pam29922

June 21, 2002
My surgeon says to stop all intake 30min. before eating so that you have enough room in your pouch for the necessary food, then do not drink anything 30min. after eating so that you don't flush the food out too quickly or fill yourself up too full.
   — Jennifer Y.

June 21, 2002
My surgeon says to stop all intake 30min. before eating so that you have enough room in your pouch for the necessary food, then do not drink anything 30min. after eating so that you don't flush the food out too quickly or fill yourself up too full.
   — Jennifer Y.

June 21, 2002
I've learned that it's trial & error in this game - my doc said 30 minutes to an hour afterwards. I can not even take a sip with food without me getting sick so I've stopped that completely. What I do though, if I absolutely have a dry mouth is grab a strawberry or two or a slice of watermelon, it helps to keep my mouth from feeling like I did back in the day of smoking herb...dry, dry, dry ~ cotton mouth. Check w/your doc though - they'll help you figure it out and if nothing else, believe you me - your body will tell you. :) Good luck.
   — Lisa J.

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