Am I really losing too slowly, post Roux-en-Y?

I had my wls 3 weeks ago, and due to anemia, I haven't felt like exercising. My Dr. fussed at me for not losing at least "25 pounds". He found that I am anemic and started treating it today. Unfortunately, this has left me feeling as I did when I was failing one of my many "diets". Anyone else experience this?    — Tina B. (posted on July 8, 2002)

July 8, 2002
Tina, don't lose heart!! It was 2 1/2 months before I lost 25 lbs. We all lose at different rates, but after the first 3 months I started to lose better/ I had surgery on 9/2/01, and I have lost 92 lbs. so far. That is not as much as alot of people, but I only have 12 more pounds to lose/ All of the factors make a difference. As long as you are losing, don't knock it, and don't let anyone bring you down/ I feel sure you will start to "kick in" as I did and start losing faster/ Patti Meadows/ 258/166/ rny lap 9/27/01/ e-mail: [email protected]
   — peppermintp

July 8, 2002
It will be one month for me on July 12th and I have lost only 25 pounds. I also was on a plateau for about a week too. I cant believe your doc would say that. We are all different and as long as I am losing, I don't care how fast. Hell, 25 pounds in one month seems awfully fast to me anyway! Don't sweat it, you;re doing great! You are absolutely not failing so don't let anyone make you feel so. I haven't started exercising seriously yet either. My body needed time to heal! Hang in there!
   — emilyfink

July 8, 2002
My surgeon has given me nothing but encouragement. I'm the one who's hardest on myself for not losing. He says it takes time and will come off.
   — Patty H.

July 9, 2002
Hi, I also feel that I am not loosing fast enough. My surgery (lap rny) was 6/11/02 and as of today 6/9/02 I have only lost 25lbs and the majority of that was in the first 2 weeks. My doctor says this is a great weight loss and not to be concerned. I will just keep doing what I am supposed to do and wait and see. I have also been exercising at least 3 times a week.
   — Pam W.

July 9, 2002
Tina dear, hang in there! Three weeks is not that long. I read your profile, and it appears you are similar to me, we are on the lower end of the BMI scale for this procedure. My doc warned me right up front not to compare or expect my losses to equal to others. I wonder too, if being Lap the weight loss is different the first week. I came home from the hospital 8 pounds heavier than I went in, bloated, swollen, even my loosest clothes were binding thru the tummy. Now 9 days post, I am 8 pounds the lighter than the day I had surgery. Dont despair, just stay on track. Ask the doc for help with the anemia situation. My recovery started increacing leaps and bounds when I start walking. Best of luck to you!
   — Nene B.

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