Those who have had a TT, please respond.

Well, I have seen my PS twice this week. He took off all the fluid in my belly with a needle on Monday. Then today he took out more and I will see him again a week from Monday because he's going out of town next week. I was wondering- how much swelling did others with the anchor cut tt experience? My waist is about 4 inches bigger now than before surgery. Is that normal? I know I've read that it takes a few months to see the final results, but I guess I just need a little reassurance. I know he said he took off about 5 lbs. Thanks for your responses!    — Michele :. (posted on August 1, 2002)

August 1, 2002
i just had my tummy tuck two weeks ago and he removed apx 10 lbs off me but i weighed 12 lbs MORE after the surgery than before from all the fluid build up. I am still extremely swollen and having problems with fluid build up. He put me on a fluid pill and it is helping some.
   — paula B.

August 1, 2002
Every surgeon has a different approach. My plastic surgeon is one of those who places Jackson-Pratt drains during surgery and leaves them in place until the post-op drainage stops. After my TT (anchor incision) in November, I had four drains in place....two on each side of my lower abdomen. Two were removed two weeks post-op, the third was removed at four weeks, but the last one didn't stop draining until seven weeks post-op. He explained that there is always far more fluid accumulation following a TT than a "routine" abdominal surgery. Some of the post-op fluid will reabsorb, but most will have to be removed, either by needle or via the drains. It is a little unusual to still be producing the large amount of drainage that my last drain produced at seven weeks, but not unheard of. He had also told me not to expect an accurate post-op weight until about six weeks (because of all the extra fluid on-board), and that it takes 9-12 months to be able to fully "appreciate" the final results of the surgery. I could immediately "appreciate" the results of the surgery as soon as I got home from the hospital....16.4 lbs. of excess skin and fat removed from my tummy and arms.....but now that I am 8 months post-op, I can see what he meant....the incisional scars under my arms are much softer, and all the incisions have faded to just faint pink lines. My tummy was very tight and firm (but not swollen) for several it is flat and tight, but feels "normally" soft to touch. Hope this helps.....good luck!
   — Diana T.

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