Super duper saggy boobies

When is it too early to consider a breast lift? I am only 27, and single I must add. My boobs look worse than my 80 year old grandma's...I am sure. Despite losing 107.5 pounds they are still "D"s, don't want to reduce them ,but would like to have them lifted, have the fat on the side taken care of and the baggy, wrinkly skin under my armpits removed. Can that all be done in one fell swoop? Also, I still have about 40 pounds to goal. Should I wait? This is becoming a bit of a self-esteem issue. I've met a new guy and am embarassed to get naked (should it come to that). Any input would be appreciated. Thanks!!!    — PaulaM (posted on August 15, 2002)

August 15, 2002
I had 38DD's before surgery. Now after losing 108 pounds, they've went down to 38D but talk about saggy and baggy. I have the same excess, loose skin that I'd love to get rid of. When I told people I was having plastic surgery (tummy tuck and arm liposuction), the first thing they asked me was "are you having your boobs lifted?". I figure they must look pretty bad for so many people to ask. I've seen the procedure done from the pictures my plastic surgeon has shown me and I've decided against getting it done. I don't want my nipples cut off and sewn back on after the lift. I'm afraid I'll have no sensitivity in them and then I heard a couple of people's nipples actually fell off!! That was all I needed to hear. I think it's time to take $200 and just invest in some REALLY good support lacy bras that will hold up what I have and give the appearance of them being perky. Let's face it, if you've got big boobs anyway, men are thrilled whether they sag or not. I tell guys any woman who has real big boobs, that them falling south is natural due to gravity. If they were big, high and perky, you know there fake. I've not had any guy who's been disappointed by my big saggy boobs yet (not that I've let a lot of guys see them!!).
   — Patty H.

August 15, 2002
I was a 40 C before surgery and now I am a 36 B. I have lost almost 90 pounds and am 15 away from my goal. I am having a Breast lift with implants in early October. I am 21 years old and don't believe I should have to live with very saggy breasts. I am also having an Arm Lift at the same time. I plan on addressing my stomach and thighs in a few years after I have another baby. I would go and have a consult with a plastic surgeon or two (the consultation should be free) and have them answer your questions. If anything you can find out how close you should be to your goal weight and that could be some extra motivation. I plan on losing at least 7 pounds before my surgery. I have about a month and a half to do it. Good Luck.
   — M. S.

August 16, 2002
Hi...I would go and have a consult with the best plastic surgeon you can find. (do lots of research and see if you can talk to other patients) The plastic surgeon can tell you exactly what can/needs to be done, and also if you're currently at the right point to have this done. I know Carnie Wilson had the extra skin removed from the "under the armpit" area. This seems to be a problem area for lots of us (me included). Mine are starting to look like tube socks with oranges in them, so I am hoping that I'll be able to have plastic surgery too. And definitely if I was 27 again (I'm 49 in two weeks), this would be at the top of my list! Just get the word from the doctor, so you can have the best possible outcome. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

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