How does Lap RNY pain compare to Lap gall bladder removal?

I had my gall bladder removed in June via lap, and had NO problems -- was home from the hospital the night of the surgery and had no pain....and I'm curious if anyone has had their gb removed via lap and then had lap RNY, and how the two compare. Anyone out there?    — Tamara K. (posted on August 19, 2002)

August 19, 2002
I had Lap Gall Bladder in Jan. 1995 and Lap RNY Aug. 2001. Honestly, I remember the Gall Bladder surgery being harder to get over. My Lap RNY was a breeze. I left the hospital the following day and was home by 3:30 p.m. and returned to work in 7 days. (Had surgery one Monday and returned the next Monday). Hope this helps !!!
   — Laura M.

August 20, 2002
I thought the Lap Gallbladder was much more painful. I even made that comment when I woke up from the Lap RNY.
   — Traci B.

August 20, 2002
I had absolutely NO pain with my RNY lap. It was the easiest surgery I ever had.
   — Georgia H.

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