I'm in trouble, Can you help

On Tuesday I had blood work done by my pcp, the next day he called my house and told me he wanted me to go to the emergency room because my blood level was way too low. HGB 7.7, HCT 24.9, when I went to the emergency room they also took blood and were going to admit me and give me a blood transfusion. After awhile the ER doctor decided since this condition has been going on for sometime, she decided to send me home and she called my doctor to see me the following day. Yesterday I had these terrible cramps in my stomach all day long, I tried to eat but it only got worst, I couldn't bear these pain, I was going to go back the the ER but I decided to go to bed instead. My question is , do you think this pain is related to low blood? My doctor, btw, did call the pharmacy and order me some diffent iron meds, he wants to see me in a week (so meds can build up my iron) and he made an appointment for me to see a hemotologist, and gastroenternolgist. I'm so scared now. Can someone tell me how I can build up my blood level in addition to taking my iron med, and what are these severe cramps in my stomach from? Thank you    — Rebe W. (posted on October 18, 2002)

October 18, 2002
I know 2 years ago, I went into the ER for severe pain from my back. In doing all their testing, they found that my hemoglobin and hermatic crit was extremely low. They started me on heavy dosages of iron. But I ended up having surgery for something totally different and the day of the surgery they had me sign a waiver in case I needed a transfusion. I didn't. I have been on very high dosages of iron and by blood is very slowly getting better. Just do what your doctors' tell you to do and make sure you take you iron. I don't know about the severe abdominal pains. I would call your doctor.
   — Sue F.

October 18, 2002
I find this very interesting because I just went through something like this. Long story but, I had a T.T. and complications My hemoglobin was also 7, I had to go in the hosp via ambulance and my lower abd was in severe pain. Turns out I had a "bleeder" You should be checked out well to find out if there is something bleeding in your abdomen that is causing the low hemoglobin and Hct. You SHOULD be in the hospital now. Best of luck!!
   — ZZ S.

October 18, 2002
What is a bleeder?
   — Rebe W.

October 18, 2002
Did you start taking the iron? Could that be irritating your stomach? The stuff they had me taking when I was pregnant was disgusting going down and made me feel crappy once I managed to choke it down. Some types of iron can irritate the pouch, too. This is just one possibility, though. Don't delay going to the dr if you really feel like something is wrong!
   — ctyst

October 18, 2002
When you say "bleeder" it reminds me of "There's something about Mary"....
   — Karen R.

October 19, 2002
Not sure if this helps but once your iron stores get low, it could take a few years to build them back up. PLEASE take your iron everyday or it will not get better. I have low iron and had to go to a Hemotoligst too. My iron was like a 9 though, and he made me take 325mg of iron 3 times a day. Good luck!
   — Debbie W.

October 20, 2002
Not to scare you but, the cramps could be due to an ulcer. If you have an ulcer bleeding into your stomach your iron levels will drop dramatically. It can be a VERY dangerous situation. Be sure you see that GE doc and get a endoscopy done. Last year my husband was rushed to the ER vomiting blood. His hemoglobin was only 5!! (normal being 13) He wound up getting 5 pints of blood and has been on 325 mg Iron x 3 a day ever since. Endoscopy showed he had 5 stomach ulcers, 3 of which were bleeding. He had no other symptoms at all until he started vomiting!! In his case the doctors believe medication he had been taking for only 3 months (Naproxen) weakened his stomach lining and allowed a bacteria to do the rest. By the way, my husband has a full sized tummy!
   — LLinderman

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