so what are some nasty side effects??

I'm reading about some pretty nasty side effects after the surgery. Extremely bad breath, terrible gas, depression hair loss, really stinky BM's and others. O.K., people, how long do these last? I mean is the bad breath thing forever, or just the first month or so?? I know the depression goes away, but what about the others??? And are there others I don't know about. I just want to be prepared and prepare those that have to live with me!!!    — Kathy S. (posted on October 31, 2002)

October 30, 2002
I am experiencing the same problems. There is hope because I was told that these side effects will pass. Our bodies are undergoing the release of toxins that have to be excelled but only for a period of time. Hope this helps.
   — Rosalyn B.

October 30, 2002
Well the side effect do go away, but then comes they buying of smaller clothes thank goodness for ebay...........
   — paulsgirl

October 30, 2002
I don't know which WLS you're having, but I had open RNY, 150 cm bypassed, and I had none of those side effects. In fact, the only side effect I have had is occasional constipation. BTW, I'm over 3 years out.
   — Leslie F.

October 30, 2002
Kathy, I am 2 1/2 months post-op and here is what side effects I have had from my Open RNY. My incision leaked from wk 2-wk 10 (just stopped last week), I had horrible breath & smelly urine (from ketosis) until last wk (10wks) and THAT IS IT! I have never had gas, or depression! I have had no trouble with going the bathroom, I am very regular and I eat 60-90g of protein a day so, I anticpate I wouldn't hair hair loss issues. No depression, all energy back at week 4 and as of 1 month, felt better than I had in years (by the way I am 32m pre-op 304.5lbs and now 255lbs). Good Luck.
   — heathercross

October 31, 2002
I am a little over 2 months post op and have had some of the side effects, but they were not all that bad. I did have that bad breath and (pardon me for saying it) stinky BM's. That is pretty much over now that I have evened out in my weight loss. The main reason for the bad breath is Ketosis and it is very noticable when you are losing 10+ pounds in the first few weeks. I had numbness in my tailbone, heels and right thigh. Most of that is due to the straps and being on the operating table for 6 hours. Thats was hard for my body to take. I have not experienced any hair loss yet, but I know it is only a matter of time. I think the one thing I was not prepared for was the change in taste for food. I no longer like some of the things that I liked before and I absolutely love some of the things I didn't like. It is weird! I did also have my bout with depression. I was about 2 weeks out or so and it lasted for about a weeks or so. I also had a hard time getting my energy back and I am just getting back to normal and able to make it through the day without being completely exhausted. Hope this gives you some insight on what you were trying to find out. If you have any more questions, feel free to e-mail me.
   — sammygirlwpc

October 31, 2002
Not everyone experiences these things. The previous poster was correct about the bad breath being ketosis this can be greatly helped by increasing your water intake to flush out the toxins. The only other side effect I've experienced (aside from dumping when I eat the wrong thing) is the hair loss and it only lasted for about 2 months and no one could tell but me. I have not had any other side effects I can eat literally anything but refined sugar and sat. fat. You have to weigh the possibility that you may experience the side effects and decide if it is worth being free to live a healthy life. This decision took me a year to make and many hours of research. It was the best decision I've ever made.
   — Christine C.

October 31, 2002
I was worried about all of those things at first too. I never had problems with the bad breath, gas was only about a week after surgery, I had lap so they pump to up with gas. BM's are pretty normal after the first couple of weeks. Never had any problems with depression, if anything the last five months have been the happiest of my life. I still have all of my hair and I am pretty much out of the water for it. I take a supplement to prevent the hair loss. Read my profile for more info.
   — Linda A.

October 31, 2002
at 6 1/2 months out, I only have occasional constipation and I throw up if I overeat. The bad breath thing for me lasted till I was on full liquids, so only a couple weeks. I have had gas occasionally, but nothing more than before the surgery, actually I can say it is alot less. I also don't have stinky BM's. I can say that my hair loss started at 2 1/2 months post and is still somewhat going, but I am far from bald. The only other side effect, besides losing weight,and having to buy new clothes would be for me the sagging skin. I am talking about on the stomach and chest and thighs for me. I do work out, but not with weights like I should, so that is probably on me. I started at 382 and am 6ft tall female. So as long as I wear clothes,,,no one else really notices. And now that I am thinkin about it, when I first was on a regular diet make sure you try foods at home first if you can, they may make you sick, but that doesn't mean those foods will always make you sick, your stomach is just a lot more sensitive to begin with. It is just a good thing to be at home when that happens.
   — stacey1273

October 31, 2002
I'm almost 4.5 months post op RnY... I haven't had any of the things you've mentioned except a little hair loss.. maybe I'll have more over the next month or so.. but you know what.. I'd do it all again bald! *grin* Side effects only happen to a certain percentage of folks... not everyone.. and you don't necessarily get them all. the worst thing is finding a favorite piece of clothing only to have it be WAY too big... (90 pounds gone and counting). Good luck!
   — Lisa C.

October 31, 2002
I too have the "gas thing" but most of the time it is belching, instead of the other way. I am just about 7 weeks post op. I also have what they call frothing. The new pouch doesn't make acid like the stomach does, it produces saliva instead. If something doesn't agree with me, out it comes, but a lot of times, it isn't puke (sorry, no nice way to say it) it is just saliva and "foam". I have learned to carry a foam cup with me incase I don't get to the bathroom on time. It comes in very handy in the car, and in stores.
   — Tammy .

November 1, 2002
hi there are a lot of things that go on the fiest couple of mos but they go away the bad taste in your mo will go away,the gas also will go away the bad smell in your bm also goes away in about 2-3 mos hang in there. i did not have any depression but i know there are a lot of girls that do take care rosemary

November 2, 2002
Hmmm, looks like I am the longest post-op that has answered thus far at 16 1/2 months post-op RNY. Interesting that you didn't ask about dumping or throwing up in your list but thing have gotten better here as I know more what I can tolerate as time goes on. But, I still rarely can react to foods at times and never know the cause! Depression, never. Bad breath after drinking protein drinks, yes. Gas, no more than most people I guess and as everyone always says on this site..doesn't everyone's stink? Ha! Hair loss? Some thinning actually at about 3-7 months, but no problems after that. Now the old subject of bowel movements is a touchy one for me. Maybe it's having had 4 c-sections, no gall bladder or whatever, but if I have to go to the bathroom, you better get out of my way. I may go a day or so without a BM, but then I may go alot in one day and I do think that they are stinkier than most people. I have had to stop at gas stations at times when I didn't think I could make it home. Now maybe this was due to eating something that didn't agree with me or was fatty or something, but I cannot recall anything out of the ordinary usually. Not wanting to scare or depress you and it sounds like mayabe I am the lone ranger on responses here. But, I truly feel like I have had no complications from the surgery, just some things I have to be aware of and plan for which is a small price to pay for feeling so great overall!
   — Molly S.

November 2, 2002
Oops, there was a 3 yr post-op answer I did not see. Sorry! But it is good to note the variances in people's reactions and recoveries to this surgery as we are all so different in our experiences. I wish I would have had the surgery 10 years ago! I wish you great success in your journey.
   — Molly S.

November 5, 2002
   — D X.

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