Please help me!! I am 13 mos out and have lost 137#'s. I only have about 40 more #'s

to goal but it is not coming off!! I am so afraid that this is it!! I am tracking my diet on and have noticed that my carbs range from 80-100 grams per day and my protein intake at about 85-115 grams per day. I work out at least five times a week, to include step aerobics, jazzercise, and yoga. I have noticed that my muscles have toned a little in my legs.Please help me stimulate my weight loss. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated    — Michelle H. (posted on November 4, 2002)

November 3, 2002
One reason that you may not be seeing the "weight" loss is because you are working out so often (Yeah, good for you) and the more muscle you do begin to build the more you will weigh in numbers. Muscle weighs more than fat! Have you been tracking your inches? Maybe you are losing more inches than anything right now by getting toned up. I say keep up your workouts and your protein. Maybe increase the protein a little and decrease the carbs some until you start losing again. Just my humble opinion! Great job though, keep it up!!!
   — Lori F.

November 4, 2002
Michelle, I have found that by varying your diet, adding a few hundred extra calories a day for a week or so, then decreasing by a few hundred for a week shakes things up and gets the body losing again. You may also want to try decreasing the carbs by 20-40 grams a day too just to see how that works. Are you also drinking lots of water??? Congrats on theweight loss to date and your wonderful exercise program...good job.
   — Cindy R.

November 4, 2002
First of all stop drinking/eating so much protein!!!!!! You need to only have about 50 to 60 grams a day. The extra protein is added calories! cut the carbs to no more than 60 a day. Also remember dont drink with the meals and dont maybe on a plateau. First and what you feel is right, when you hit a plateau its just a discouraging but you'll get over it. Your body lost a lot of weight in a fairly short amount of time and your body is adjusting and then you'll be able to drop them off like before. Dont wory the weight will continue to drop just dont let it get you down
   — Cabott

November 4, 2002
It's probably just a plateau, as others have said. Make sure you are drinking Plenty of water. And, by all means, DO NOT cut down on your protein. The more protein, the more lean muscle mass. But, you could bring your carbs down a little.
   — Christine In AZ

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