Panni: Returning to work?

I teach middle school. I am on my feet all the time though without strenuous activity. How long must I realistically wait to return to work? (BTW, I went back to work 2 weeks after my RNY without problems.) Thanks =)    — Jeannet (posted on November 16, 2002)

November 16, 2002
I returned to work after eight weeks off, and then only part-time. (2 wks)I have a job sitting, and that was even a strain. It was five weeks before I could even stand up straight. This is a major surgery, do not rush yourself. Good Luck!
   — HEIDI L.

November 16, 2002
I was back at work in a full-time office position almost two weeks post-panniculectomy and brachioplasty.....I had returned to work eight days post-lap RNY. Everyone has different experiences, but I thought that this surgery was by far the most "comfortable" of all the surgeries that I have had in my life. I was offered the option of having the surgery in my plastic surgeon's clinic and going home the same day, or having the surgery done in the hospital and staying overnight. As I thought about the long incisions, I decided that the hospital was the best option. However, in retrospect, I could easily have gone home the same day. I was up walking in the room the night of surgery, and touring the halls the next morning....not even bent over. I had four drains in my lower abdomen and they were completely painless.....during the several weeks that they were in, and also during their removal. I had one injection of Demerol in the Recovery Room, one more injection after getting to my room, and Percocet tablets for 2-3 days after that. The panni and brachioplasty took almost six hours, and I expected to have a long recovery but was very pleasantly surprised. I am "in love" with my flat, firm tummy and my wonderfully slender arms :-) to having the RNY, the plastic surgery was the best decision I ever made. I wish you the same great experience!!
   — Diana T.

November 16, 2002
You'll find lots of difference answers. Besides varying person to person it also depends on the actual surgery. What I've decided from all the research I did is that people who just have a panni (only removal of fat & tissue) recover VERY quickly. Those who have work to the underlying muscles take a lot longer. If you look up the first poster her surgery had a hernia repair and hysterectomy (or partial hysterectomy?) anyhow a much more major surgery than someone who just has fat & skin removed. Myself my surgery was major with LOTS of work to the muscles. I didn't even feel up to driving very far for 5 weeks post op. Yet I've heard from others who had no muscle work, just the panni and they were up and active within about a week! Whichever you are having good luck and congrats!
   — Shelly S.

November 18, 2002
I had a full tummy tuck with the tightening of the muscles and lipo. I had the surgery Oct 30th, Wednesday, went home friday and went back to work Monday. I felt great and still do. Best of luck to you.
   — Laura M.

November 19, 2002
I took 5 weeks off from my LAP RNY which I felt was MUCH more difficult then my full abdominoplasty. I took 3 weeks off for it and really could have went back to work after 2 weeks easily.
   — Patty H.

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