
this past week. I am scheduled to see my surgeon January 3rd. If he chooses to repair it, I am hoping they will do a Tummy tuck at the same time. My question is to those that have had Open RNY and a tummy tuck. With the Tummy Tuck, were they able to get rid of the scar form the Open RNY. It would be nice to get rid of it if I have to go through another surgery anyway. Thanks!    — Sandra C. (posted on December 18, 2002)

December 18, 2002
He cut out my old scar and gave me a new one. He had to use the anchor incision because my two hernias were in my belly button and up a little higher. He took about 5 inches of skin off where my old RNY scar was. I have no belly button now, which is fine with me. Then the TT scar ran just above my pubic area and goes all the way around back a few inches. The desired flatness of my stomach far outweighs the scars. Good Luck
   — MARSHA D.

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