Anyone have a Mirena placed before WLS?

My Doctor is suggesting Mirena (IUD) to be placed for the treatment of Endometriosis (all other forms of hormonal treatment have failed). I'm wondering if anyone else has this device, if you had it before your WLS-can it be a problem with surgery?, and if you've noticed any hindrence in your weight loss due to the Mirena?? Any info would be appreciated...thanks    — Kelly B. (posted on December 31, 2002)

December 31, 2002
I am pre-op but I have had the Mirena IUD in for 5 months now and I love it! Yes, there is a small amount of cramping evry once in awhile but my periods are lighter and it's good for 5 years! My surgery is scheduled for February 10, 2003. I have not heard of any problems with weight loss post-surgery. It is MUCH better for you to be on birth control for the first few years after surgery than to be unprotected.
   — lizinPA

December 31, 2002
Hello, I also have a Mirena IUD. I definitely have an almost sudden pain periodically on my left side down there.I have to stop whatever I'm doing and take a deep breath , then momentarily it'll be gone! I got it due to heavy, heavy bleeding and it's been great!You have posed an important question that I should ask my surgeon, because while I would assume it wouldn't have any effect, I'm not positive! When I find out I'll let you know!
   — Arleen P.

December 31, 2002
Have you tried Depo Provera injections?
   — zoedogcbr

January 1, 2003
Chris, Yes I've tried depo- unforunately I was one of the people who instead of getting rid of your period, I had mine for 11 months straight, very heavy, got anemic, etc. I am a difficult case because I tend to get heart problems whenever taking meds with hormones in them. (I've also tried several "pills", danocrine, depo, and nuvaring.) luck with any. I'm really nervous about the IUD, but might be willing to try it, if it will releive Endo symptoms. I just wasn't sure how compatible it was with WLS, and hated to get it, then have to have it removed...I had hoped that WLS would decrease symtoms, but my doc says it has no connection, it would only help the PCOS. Thanks for the thought though....(about the depo)...
   — Kelly B.

January 1, 2003
Arleen?? You say you have pain in your side now? Do you mean since getting the Mirena, or you've always had? I wondered, since I read it can increase ovarian cysts (kind of concerned about that)...let me know?
   — Kelly B.

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