What kind of over the counter meds can you take when you get the flu?

I am 5mos post, down 136 pds and now I've got the flu. I live in Michigan and this arctic blast we got isn't helping. Any suggestions of getting throught this? Are we allowed to have gatorade? I'm afraid of getting to dehydrated. Thanks for all your help, Beth    — Elizabeth C. (posted on January 14, 2003)

January 14, 2003
Gatorade has quite a bit of sugar, so you might just want to stick to water, or crystal light. As for what kinds of things you can take, I would call and ask the doctor's office. I know for sure you shouldn't take NSAIDS, but that Tylenol is ok. I don't know if tylenol cold/flu is ok, though. I'm sending you "get well soon" vibes. :)
   — Diana L.

January 14, 2003
Many, many times post op my doctor (not surgeon) wanted me to drink gatorade because of my low potassium. But the sugar was sicking! I never could do it. But if you can drink it mixed with water like one poster said, that may just be the trick for you.
   — Danmark

January 14, 2003
In Barbara Thompson's book she has a list of medications that are acceptable after surgery...they include Benadryl, Robitussin, Triaminic, Dimetapp, Sudafed and Tylenol Cold Products. As for the dehydration issue I had read on another support group site to try Pedialyte..I belive this is sugar free and it will help relplace electrolytes. It's usally for children so you can probably find it with the children's meds. Hope this helps and you feel better soon.
   — NancySTX

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