I STILL haven't

Hi all :). I'm 3 weeks post-op, and am still waiting for that magical day when I won't be hungry. Has anyone else out there gone through this? I am literally hungry; it's not head hunger. I find that it hits me worst at night. It happens whether I'm otherwise occupied or not. I hate eating more than 3 times a day, but these last few days I've been feeding the hunger with low-fat, low-cal, and low-carb foods like cooked veggies. These seem to fill me up for a time at minimal expense to my daily intake. I'm just curious as to how many other people have gone through this. I read so often about people who have lost their appetite and forget to eat. Not me! LOL Then there are people who can get full on 1/4 cup of food. Not me again! BUT, since my Dr. says to keep taking in only 1/4 cup at a time, I have been doing my best to follow his orders. I know that my pouch will hold more than that though, because I did eat 6 oz of peas & carrots the other day (sorry, but I was HUNGRY!). Personal insights and donations welcome ;). SuzAnne in Utah    — SuzAnne S. (posted on January 18, 2003)

January 17, 2003
First, talk about the amount of food you've been consuming with your doctor to verify that it is not a staple line rupture. Second, I had an appetite up to about 5 weeks post-op, then all of a sudden, I started getting nauseated after eating. Now, 8 weeks out, I have no appetite at all. Don't know how long it's going to last, but I guess I'll enjoy the ride!
   — jengrz

January 17, 2003
I was hungry for the first month after surgery at times. I would eat 1 or 2 saltine cracker with a little low fat cream cheese. This worked will. I still do have days when I am truly hungry, but get thru it by drinking more water. Email me if you have more questions.
   — barbara A.

January 17, 2003
Try making your snack more substantial--like peanut butter crackers, or tuna crackers--or deviled eggs. Water based vegetables are not going to hold you...go for the protein!!! Good Luck
   — Wannabe A.

January 17, 2003
I could not believe how hungry I was after surgery. I thought this will never work for me because I am so blasted hungry all the time. It was a really bad hunger also. But I can assure you that it passes. Ok I mean I know that everyone is different but I am saying for myself I thought I would die from hunger for about 6-7 weeks and now 4 mths postop I would do good to have a little hunger to remind me that I need to eat. Hang in there baby it does get better. REALLY really better. You are about to embark on a journey that will profoundly change your life and outlook. Hang on the ride is fun and interesting. Good Luck Peggy open rny -80#'s
   — Peggy A.

January 18, 2003
I was STARVING the first couple of weeks, and finally lost my appetite at about 8 weeks. Try eating 4-6 times a day, and go for the protein based snacks that stay in the pouch. In between make sure to get all your fluids in. I found low sugar yoghurt stayed with me, and also I made sugar free pudding and added powdered milk for additional protein when i was sick of cheese, eggs and tuna. Are you on solids yet? That was when I found the appetite went, doft pureed foods just left my pouch to quickly for me to know I had enough! Good luck.
   — Linda 1.

January 18, 2003
Hi again, I'm the original poster. Thanks for your reponses! In answer to some of your questions/statements. Yes, I'm on solids. I can have pretty much anything as long as it isn't a carb. Yes, I have talked with my Dr. about it, and while he says that yes, my pouch WILL hold more than 1/4 cup of food, he wants me to continue eating only 1/4 cup at a time because my body "can handle it". I've thought about the suggestions to have a cracker with something on it, but right now crackers are on my forbidden list. I don't get those until next year :). I have had protein-based snacks as opposed to just veggies, but found that I was getting hungry so often that if I kept having protein-based snacks, I'd really be taking in too many calories a day. I'm getting 60 - 70 grams of protein daily. My 3 meals are usually about 70% protein and 30% vegetable, and I will have 1 or 2 protein drinks a day to get my protein up. Maybe I should just learn to deal with being hungry? Thanks again y'all!!! SuzAnne
   — SuzAnne S.

January 18, 2003
Since you are getting in plenty of protein, I woud eliminate one of the protein drinks and substitute food instead. You should be eating 4-6 mini meals a day. that way, whenever you are hungry, its time to eat again.I'm not a big believer in being hungry so since you do well in keeping away from carbs, try eating more solid proteins when you are hungry, like deli meats wrapped in sliced cheese, or apples and pears. Yes, fruit has carb but there is a difference between good carb and bad carbs andfruits are good carbs.
   — Cindy R.

January 19, 2003
Hi SuzAnne, I know where you are coming from. I am 2 1/2 months post-op and I am hungry all the time. I, too, can eat more that others, in fact, I haven't seen a post on here that claims to eat this much. I can eat about 8oz of food at a time. Now, I know that all surgeons are different but I'll tell you what mine said anyway. He told me at my 2wk check-up that I would be able to eat between 6-8oz of food and to eat between 1000 to 1200 calories a day. I am currently getting in around 800-1000, somedays less. He also does not want me to get in the habit of eating more that 3 meals a day. But like you, I get physically hungry about an hour after I eat and I don't drink with my meals. Needless to say, I do snack some but try to make it healthy. Let us know if you get any news. I am calling my surgeon also to ask questions. Good Luck.
   — Kathy C.

January 19, 2003
HI, I'm just 12 days post-op and at the very beginning I was hungry too, but now I have no appetite. I bought a protein drink called "Real Meals" tasted real good for a few days, then one morning I made it, smelled it and had a sip and almost threw-up, I can't tolerate it anymore. All that money spent on it. I'm still searching for a palpable protein drink, but I have the opposite feeling of hunger than you have.I had the standard Roux-en-Y procedure and cannot eat until six weeks after the surgery, so the swelling can go down with the new stomach. I have to puree everything. My weight is really coming down though. I guess it depends on what surgery you have and what your surgeon recommends. If you get time, can you tell me what type of protein you are liking at this time? Hope you experience a great weight loss. Thanks....
   — Laurie P.

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