Is this PS going to hurt as much as my RNY?

I am having my abdominoplasty, lower body lift and thigh lipo tomorrow morning. I am oddly not nervous about this, really. BUt now, a few hours before I got to sleep I am starting to think that I have been underestimating the pain. I figured it couldn't come close to my Open RNY. First of all, I have 155 lbs less weight bearing down on my incisions, and they won't be cutting through muscles this time. Am I kidding myself? Now I am getting scared!    — PaulaM (posted on January 23, 2003)

January 23, 2003
I had breast reduction about 10 years ago, and I remember it being more painful than my open RNY.
   — barbara A.

January 23, 2003
I had an open RNY on Oct 16, 2001. I had my tummy tuck Dec 23, 2002. The pain from the tummy tuck was probably 1/4 of the pain from the RNY. For me.....there was FAR LESS PAIN with the plastic surgery...but I was also more nervous for the PS than I was for the RNY. Go figure!! LOL
   — skymaxjr

January 23, 2003
The incisions aren't bad pain wise. If they are tightening the muscles when they do your tummy tuck you will have more pain from that than from the other parts of your surgery. I think it always hurts more when it involves having to heal muscles.
   — Shelly S.

January 23, 2003
My pain from my abdominoplasty and hernia repair was much worse than my pain from my open RNY. I took the maximum amount of pain pills allowed (vicodin and oxycontin). Don't be too scared, just be prepared for anything and don't be a hero. If you need more pain medication ask for it. Good Luck to you.
   — Cara F.

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