I must've slept wrong Sat. nite cuz all week my neck has been sore

and have had a BAD headache all week. Went to the chiropractor twice and neck is a little better but still have the headache. Tried extra strength tylenol- no help. My surgeon said to take Advil-ibuprofen with food and lots of water but only for a couple days. Still have a headache. Any suggestions on what to do or take?    — jojo63 (posted on February 7, 2003)

February 7, 2003
hi - as soon as i read this i wanted to say be careful if you go to your chiro again .some have no problems and they help , but i went to one for a bad headache , like on the 11 th day , and this was first time ever ssing a chiro , on the third visit he was aligning my neck and it pinched something wrong , i had a strokw several hours later , now i have dead brain cells in the area of manipulation and severe nerve damage on one side of my body , plus afew other problems from the stroke . please please be careful ...........
   — patti G.

February 7, 2003
hi - i forgot to mention , i pulled a muscle lifting something and that is what started the headaches . afew days after the stroke my headaches disappeared . i think i had just wait for the strained on the muscle to go down .... to bad i didn't know this before going to the chiro ........
   — patti G.

February 7, 2003
Hi, Colleen. I suffered from headaches (migraines) preop and was afraid of how to handle them postop since we I cannot take my normal meds. I found Excederin in a dissolvable tablet: EXCEDERIN QUICK TABS. They are 500 mg of pain reliever and absorb much easier/quicker. They do not taste horrible like crushing Tylenol. I have had several headaches since surgery (6.5 weeks postop) and they have worked great each time. I'm waiting to find out if we can take muscle relaxants (someone else posted about that recently... you may want to check back approx one week ago)... they may help your neck, too. I hope you feel better soon. :-)
   — Angela D.

February 7, 2003
I agree completetly with the last poster. Excedrin Quicktabs are the BEST! They work super quick! They come in peppermint and spearmint flavors so it tastes (use your imagination with the texture) like you are just eating a breathmint. I reccomend the spearmint kind. Hope this helps!
   — salymsmommy

February 7, 2003
Colleen- I'm sure this sounds redundant but PLEASE call your doctor if your headache isn't any better. I have migraines and I know that I can get headaches that lost more than a day but a week is a real long time for a headache. I don't want to frighten you because it could just be a strained muscle, or even a sinus infection but you should see your PCP just in case. Even a sinus infection I've heard can be rough on WLS patients. I've heard because of draining mucous. Your neck could be sore from swollen glands. Just a thought! I sure hope you are feeling better soon.
   — denisel

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