I have poor circulation is my chance of blood clots higher after wls?

I have bad circulation in my legs and am wondering if my chances of geeting blood clots is higher than someone with normal circulation. Maybe I'm being paranoid, but I really am worried about a PE.    — sm S. (posted on February 19, 2003)

February 19, 2003
Hi Suzi, Have you discussed this with your surgeon? I have read about using vina cava filters (small filters that trap blood clots in the calves) and greenfeild filters that prevent clots from going to the heart and lungs. And of course they sometimes give heprin before and after surgery to keep the blood thin and less likly to clot You might ask your cardiologist if you have a pre op stress test, but please ask your surgeon You can also have a blood test to measure your risk for blood clotts. Good Luck :0)
   — wizz46

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