How long do I need off work with Lap RNY?

I do not remember what the doctor said so I am asking here, first. How long will I need to be off work after Lap RNY if my job consist of no heavy lifting but a lot of walking, bending and the such. I am a nurse who will be working in a clinic. I was thinking about 3 weeks would be right? Any input- never really had major surgery before so I am not sure how I will feel. Surgery scheduled for 4/3/03.    — Jan S. (posted on February 20, 2003)

February 20, 2003
2 weeks
   — teresa M.

February 20, 2003
I'm a nurse also but work in a hospital. My doc advised 3 weeks off work but another 3 weeks after that with a 15lb lifting restriction. Hope this helps~
   — Lisa H.

February 20, 2003
I was told I could go back to work, if a sedentary job, after 2 weeks. However, I had an unplanned for contingency, which was that they had to open me up anyhow and now I will be out longer. Basically, what I am saying, is that is depends on you, what happens during your recovery and on the most basic of all, which is whether or not you feel well enough to return.
   — Shari S.

February 20, 2003
I was released to go back to my desk job at 3 weeks after lap RNY. However, I was very tired at 3 weeks, and asked my doctor to extend it to six weeks since I had the time off coming to me anyway. I'm glad I did. Take care of your health first and don't push it.
   — Yolanda J.

February 20, 2003
Three weeks would be plenty. I took off less than two.
   — mom2jtx3

February 20, 2003
Like a lot of answers, it is hard to give an exact time frame to someone else. A lot will depend on your age, your health, your weight, your surgery and any complications or unplanned for events (like I had a reaction to the morphine that was not a big deal but impeded my initial progress). I am a student and was back in school 2 weeks later and definitely not up to it. I really struggled with fatigue and pain and an overall feeling of ickyness. I now feel that 4 weeks off for me would have been ideal. For others it is 2 and for some 6 is what they need. My suggestion would be to take as much time off as you can and if you don't need it, great but if you do, it's there.
   — susanje

February 20, 2003
I took all the sick time I had which was only 4 weeks. But when I went back to work I worked in an office job with no lifting, etc. I work in a state mental facility and thought it was just too risky to go back to my regular job too soon. I did have a few complications that added to my much needed longer recovery time. But at 4 weeks I felt well enough to return to work in an office type setting. So, it is hard to determine exactly how much time you are going to need. swoods lap rny 12/17/02 242/199/140
   — Sheryl W.

February 21, 2003
I felt well enough to go back after 10 days, but I have 6 weeks paid, so I am taking them!
   — Kim DeHart

February 21, 2003
Like Shari S. I had an unanticipated complication - started with lap RNY- 5 days later had emergency open surgery for a kinked bowel. So, you can plan on 3 weeks, but understand that it could be longer if complications arise. In my support group, one person had her surgery on a Friday and was back at work on Tuesday-on pain meds too! Yikes!
   — Cindy R.

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