I need some help

Has anyone had a operation for hemorrhoids and it worked for them ? I have them very bad the only time they hrt is when i have a BM they are just discomforting all the time and they have been bleedig bad ive been using a hemorrhoid cream but it has not stoped the bleeding i can go to bathroom an pass gas and their wll be blood in toilet if anyone can help me please do    — wildbrat (posted on March 2, 2003)

March 1, 2003
Hi, it sounds like you need to see a general surgeon. I am a nurse and I have taken care of several people who have had this operation and it is a simple procedure these days. I had the same problem but had to have surgery on my butt for a fissure and it solved the hemorrhoid problem. Good luck.
   — Delores S.

March 1, 2003
She is correct! You need to see a general surgeon or a colo-rectal surgeon! The sooner the dont want to end up with a thrombosed hemorrhoid!
   — Lisa K.

March 2, 2003
Start doing some research! There are several different procedures for dealing with this problem. It sounds like you need to do something soon, since it doesn't get any better with self-treatment. Where I live there is a place that does some sort of laser procedure that can be done at lunch time and you can go back to work. (Although I think that might be pushing it!) And that is all they do there. Good luck; it's a miserable problem to have.
   — koogy

March 2, 2003
Have you tried going to the health food store and buying Rutin. My husband and I both use this (and have successfully for several years) when our hemmoriods flare up. Don't take anything without checking with your doctor first. Anna W.
   — Anna W.

March 2, 2003
hi i had the surgery back in 91 and my hemroids were very large i let it go for years and yes they did bleed. i had the surgeon remove them and i stay in one night and for the nex three weeks it was a little uncomfortable but i am glad i had it done good luck to you and look into having them removed.

March 3, 2003
I have recently done a little research for my MIL concerning this. There are several different non-surgical types of treatment for hemorrhoids now. The neatest one involves an infrared light that deadens the offending tissue. After 3-5 PAINLESS treatments, the hemorrhoid(s) is gone!!! (You can return to work the same day as treatments!!) What's more, Medicare pays for it which means most other insurances will, too. There is a toll-free number used by this facility, so maybe it is a national company. (I'm sorry I don't still have the number) The name is the Hemorrhoid Relief Center. Maybe you could do a search and see what you can find. I would definitely do more research and not jump to the conclusion that you actually have to undergo a surgical procedure for relief. Good luck!! Shelley
   — Shelley.

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