How Are Hemoroids Treated?

Has anyone had hemoroids due to constipation? I was wondering being that it is a possiblity and if so how were they treated. I am concerned due to the fact of almost always being constipated.    — Luis (BUCKY) C. (posted on March 11, 2003)

March 11, 2003
I've had them on occasion since my first pregnancy. Milk of Magnesia really works for me to relieve any constipation. Usually 1/2 a dose does the trick. Also, there's an over-the-counter ointment called Nupercainal that is a godsend. You can use it to relieve the pain and also works on cuts, blisters, etc. If you can find it, it's usually with the Preparation H, etc. Some people have to have them repaired surgically, but fortunately mine just went away with time. Sometimes months - so be patient and be gentle to your body. Best wishes. ~Renee
   — jnc

March 12, 2003
Whenever this problem comes up for me I go to the health food store and buy Rutin. I usually take it 3 days in a row and then I'm fine. With any flare ups, take again for 3 days in a row. Check with your surgeon first.
   — Anna W.

March 12, 2003
Hemmoroids can be treated in different ways. You can try to prevent them by exercise, diet and/or stool softeners. You can try to relieve them once you have them by using either prescription or otc medications such as preperation h, anusol, hydrocortisone cream, tucks. Or you can have them removed by an in office procedure such as banding. Best bet is to ask your RPh or Dr if they get to be much of a problem. No need to suffer when you can get help. Good luck to you.
   — Sarah H.

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