I had 2 children in 1 1/2 years and had problems with my hair afterwords. Is this

an indication that I will have problems after surgery?    — Cathy S. (posted on March 22, 2003)

March 22, 2003
Yeah but did the hair loss come from pulling your hair out because you had 2 kids in 1-1/2 years? LOL Sorry I can't answer this for you, but I know I'd have to be insane to have two kids that close together. Maybe your body was just so depleated from carrying the 2 babies and then taking care of them and that's why you had the hair loss. My understanding is we all end up with some. I'm hoping for as little as possible.
   — zoedogcbr

March 22, 2003
i have been a salon owner for 12 years. alot of people have hairloss problems so i thought i would write some info on the subject. MYTH:SHAMPOO WILL MAKE MY HAIR GROW FASTER (only stimulation of the scaple will help hair grow faster) rogain type products do promote hair growth because they stimultate the hair follicle and help increase blood flow to the scaple. loosing hair after surgery is NOT the same as pattern baldness.rogain type products are mainly for men with increased levels of dihydrotestosterone(which causes pattern baldness) remember when women brushed their hair 100 strokes a nite to have long shiny hair??? there is TRUTH in that.also when you shampoo your hair , give yourself a good scalp massage. also....special conditioners DO help the outside of the hair, help in strand breakage and make the hair more manageable. BUT IT DOESN'T HELP IT GROW FASTER OR GROW HEALTHIER!!!!! what we put INTO our bodies is what helps promote healthy hair and faster growth. taking your vitamins is what does the trick. hairloss after surgery, stress or any other body trauma is normal....yes it sucks....but very normal after a body trauma. keep a check on your supplement levels. good luck!! Fran Van @)---}---
   — franbvan

March 23, 2003
The old wives' tale when I was having babies (late 50's) was that your hair would not be back to normal until all that grew during your pregnancy was cut off. Of course, our prenatal vitamins were not as extensive as they are now and the emphasis was on NOT gaining more than twenty pounds instead of on the quality of our food intake. Oh, yes, I had two pregnancies within twenty months (two more months than you) -- all I can say is that I did survive! So did the kids. And, yes, I did lose hair between six and eight months out but I'd had it cut to about 1/4 inch all over so who could tell? Nina in Maine
   — [Deactivated Member]

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