Has anyone with Congestive Heart Failure had WLS and completely resolved or

controlled their Congestive Heart Failure?    — Regina1129 (posted on April 2, 2003)

April 2, 2003
YEP... me. I had two heart attacks followed by a quadruple heart bypass about 4 years ago. I've had CHF ever since..... I have a progressive form. Before I had WLS last May I was pretty much bed ridden...... I had been told I could expect to live a couple of years with all of my health problems. I was a very high risk patient. and I did have a respriratory complication, due to previous health problems. (Read my bio) Today my heart is stronger and more capable of carrying it's load than it's been in years. WLS saved my life. My CHF is controlled with a daily diuretic.
   — Linda M.

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