Which is more important water or food?

I am two weeks post-op and am on a soft diet. The problem is I am ALWAYS thirsty. I am in ketosis so that may be contributing to my "cotton mouth" but I can never seem to get enough to drink. We are not allowed to eat and drink at the same time and if I have my choice....I choose drink! I seldomly feel hungry but when I do my mouth is too dry to eat so I have to drink something.....then I wait 30 minutes to eat and by then I'm not hungry. I'm think this is normal but am just wondering if anyone else experienced this? I am seriously only taking in 200 calories a day and that is being generous. I know that can't be healthy but in the beginning is it normal? Also, what are the names of some good liquid protein shakes? The chocolate, vanilla etc. milkshake type are too thick for me right now. Sorry for all the questions but thanks so much!    — denisel (posted on April 6, 2003)

April 6, 2003
Yes I too was and still am quite thirsty all the time, even though I drink almost a gallon of water a day, I has gotten better as time has passed though. At two weeks you really can't eat too much so don't be worried about calories yet. Wait until you start actually eating food instead of drinking it to worry about that. It is important to always have something to drink with you at all times and keep sipping it all the time. Soon you will be able to drink like you used to. From my personal experience, there are no "good" protein drinks. I hated them all. However I have heard of one called Isopure that is supposed to be like 7-UP and still provide protein. You can get them at GNC.Hope this helps.Open RNY 11-11-02 down 128lbs!!
   — dkinson

April 6, 2003
I agree with Donny, the food I don't think is as important as the drink. If you are that concerned about the calorie thing, drink something with calories. Perhaps a V8 or maybe some soup or something. As far as the Isopure, I thought it was okay although it didn't taste anything like 7up to me. But I did find another that was pretty good, also at GNC. It's called EXTREME PURE PROTEIN (bright red bottle) and is made by a company called WORLDWIDE BIO-ENGINEERED BEVERAGES. It's a little less expensive than Isopure and tastes better. It's a 22 ounce bottle that has zero Fat, zero Carbs, zero Sugars, and 42 grams of PROTEIN!! Anyway, I hope that helps. Good luck! And remember, just keep drinking!
   — Laurel C.

April 6, 2003
As early post op as you are, I'd opt for something to drink, also. I was dehydrated most of the summer, for other reasons, and believe me it is not something you want happening to you. I made many, many trips to the ER to get fluids. Of course, since I was so dehydrated, I was a very hard stick. I ended up with PICC lines on more than one occasion. You will be able to eat more and drink more as time goes on. Get that water in now. It's way more important than the food for the time being.
   — garw

April 6, 2003
ORIGINAL POSTER: Thanks all for your answers! I feel much better now. Denise
   — denisel

April 6, 2003
Water, water, water. Have you tried Nectar yet? Powdered, but juice like? Which shake types have you tried & how did you make them up? MANY brands shake up thin in very little water. Also, we drink up to the first bite of food, basically, then wait til 30 min after. Does that help?
   — vitalady

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