After you get your Tummy Tuck, how long till you can exercise?

How long before you can resume working out, lifting weights and doing cardio after you get a TT? Thanks for all responses~!Beth    — Elizabeth C. (posted on April 7, 2003)

April 7, 2003
My surgeon's office cleared me to do lower-body exercises (treadmill, eliptical, etc) at 3 weeks, but want me to wait to do anything more stenuous until 6 weeks. I would recommend checking with your surgeon though.
   — Karla K.

April 7, 2003
I was told to wait 2 months. I had a breast reduction at the same time as the tummy tuck. It's best to ask your surgeon.
   — LLinderman

April 7, 2003
I work for a group of plastic surgeons and the general rule is you can do whatever you did before surgery after 6 weeks some surgeons recommend 8 weeks. Always best to check with your surgeon.
   — Rebecca L.

April 8, 2003
It was 8 or 9 weeks before I was released to resume those types of activities. I took that as from the day I went home which was a week post op. It was an extensive TT (like a lower body lift/beltectomy) & lipo with LOTS of work done to the muscles.
   — Shelly S.

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