I am needing a tummy tuck and I have medicare, do I go to my primary doctor first?

I need to know how to start? Do I go to my primary doctor (family doctor) and tell him about the rashes etc under my skin on my tummy and then let him refer me to a Plastic Surgeon or do I go to the Plastic Surgeon first or my Gastric Bypass surgeon. Any advice on the steps to take would be so helpful.Thank you in advance!    — tatterpuddin (posted on April 7, 2003)

April 7, 2003
Sherry, If you are having any rashes, infections, etc. now, go see your PCP. Most insurance companies that cover any excess skin removal will want proof that it is medically necessary and not cosmetic. Going to your PCP will help provide that kind of documentation. Back problems because of the excess belly skin can also be used to prove medical necessity.
   — garw

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