I am on a puree diet, should certain things HURT going down?

I am one week out from surgery and doing well. I would like more of a variety in my puree diet, but when I tried crackers soaked in soup or pinto beans from taco bell, I could feel them go all the way into my pouch and it hurt. Then there was lots of burping immediately, so I went back to yogurt. Any suggestions?    — Sharon B. (posted on May 23, 2003)

May 23, 2003
Sharon, my only thought is that maybe you did't chew well enough? When I didn't chew well enough in the past, sometimes I would vomit, or it almost hurt and felt like I was going to. So the burp could a sign of that. There are many choices of things you can eat on pureed diet. Soups, soft cheeses (american, cottage, mozzarella), yogurt, eggs, I was even allowed soft deli meats like chicken or turkey and chewed extremely well. And have you tried protein drinks yet? So next time chew slower, maybe that will help. Goodluck to you :-)
   — Lezlie Y.

May 23, 2003
If you get to the point where you cannot tolerate puree, you need to call your doctor. You could possibly be in the beginning stages of a stricture. My first week I ate crackers with peanut butter on them and had no problems. By week 2 1/2, I was vomiting liquids. I had 2 strictures dilated in the end. There should be no pain with soaked crackers, and the immediate burping sounds suspicious. Hope you feel better soon.
   — Cheri M.

May 23, 2003
Hi,maybe you need to chew more? I was not able to have pureed food until my 3rd week and I had a hard time then, so maybe you need more time to heal!?! Talk to your surgeon if it does'nt improve with the smoother/chewed food :o)Good luck!
   — Sandy M.

May 24, 2003
Maybe try the beans without the crackers? Taco Bell beans were the perfect food for me, however I think that adding crackers would have made them too dry (not to mention the "sharp" edges of the crackers). Shelley
   — Shelley.

May 26, 2003
Also make sure that you are only taking TINY bites. It's so easy to try to swallow to much at one time at first...maybe try a baby spoon.
   — eaamc

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